I haven’t taken the time yet to show off just how amazing some of the tools are inside of GrepWords. At face value, you might think that GrepWords is just like every other keyword suggestion tool – pop in a keyword, and it gives you results. Well, of course we have that, although our query builder is that on steroids. But we actually have 5 more internal tools built on GrepWords that make it far more powerful. Let’s go over each…
Query Builder
The crown jewel of GrepWords, the Query Builder allows you to create complex queries to our database using a simple interface ripped right out of Google Analytics. Start with a broad query and refine down, even allowing you to use regular expressions.

Once you have refined the data down to your liking, you have access to complete data including sparklines of each keyword’s historical data.

Then, simply export the data to CSV once you have the perfect keyword list.
The Lookup Tool
Do you already know your keywords or want to get data on a massive list? Where here is the perfect tool for you. Unlike our other tools, the lookup tool exports straight to CSV. No need to waste your time with a fancy schmancy interface when you just want the data.

Don’t let the simplicity fool you. For each keyword you will get the complete 12 month history for the word and you can look up literally THOUSANDS of words at a time in a matter of seconds.
Tag Finder
Ahh, the tag finder, my personal favorite in the list of tools. Simply copy and paste a huge amount of content and it will extract the best commercial keywords from the content.
Take for example Cyrus Shepherd’s latest post on Moz’s blog. A simple copy and paste of the content and phrases like “seo agency”, “seo link building” and “on page seo” start popping up.

Does it get any easier than that? Don’t waste your time trying to guess which words you should include as tags, choose the ones you know get traffic and are valuable.
Exact Match Domains
There is simply nothing else like this in the keyword suggestion market right now. Take a massive list of domains – for example the free drop domain list from NameJet and pop them into the EMD tool. The tool will then find every exact match domain in the list quickly and efficiently. It takes less than minute to process all 74000 domains in the average daily drop list.

And what do we come up with? Fantastic domains with high traffic and high CPC values.
This is perhaps the most unique tool I have ever come up with. Let me give you an example of it working instead of how it works. Let’s say you sell fireworks and you want to find the best fireworks keywords. How do you avoid keywords like “Adobe Fireworks” (the software) or “Katy Perry Fireworks” when you don’t know all the possibilities?
Well, Divergent solves this by looking at keyword seasonality and excluding those that don’t match the seasonality of your primary term. Since we know fireworks are sold more often near the 4th of July, we set the “ideal” trend to the keyword “July 4th” and the query keyword to “Fireworks”

As you can see, we now almost magically have keywords that are divergent at the top to add to the block list! The tool automatically recommends that you should add to your negative keyword list… adobem download, cs5, lyrics, perry, katy, macromedia, serial, 8, and cs4. It is an incredibly powerful PPC tool.
Question Finder
Last but certainly not least is our question finder. Drop in any keyword and find commonly searched questions related to the term. If you are looking for content suggestions, this is where you should turn.

This should be a first step in creating nearly any kind of content writing calendar – what do your users actually want to know?
The Ultimate Keyword Tool
These are just the tools that come with GrepWords, not counting the plugins for Chrome, its direct tie in with the amazing SEO for Excel tool by Richard Baxter at SEO Gadget, and the API itself which gets faster and bigger every month. So go ahead and give it a spin. There is a 2 week free trial period so no risk is necessary.